Azure VM Scale Sets (VMSS)



My notes on VM Scale Sets





Tips And Tidbits


  • Vertical scaling, also known as scale up and scale down, means increasing or decreasing virtual machine sizes in response to a workload.

    • It's dependent on the availability of larger hardware, which quickly hits an upper limit and can vary by region.

    • Vertical scaling also usually requires a virtual machine to stop and restart.

  • VMSS only support deployment in one region (ie, it doesnt span regions)

    • A zone-redundant scale set lets you create a single scale set that spans multiple zones.

    • A regional (non-zonal) scale set uses placement groups, which act as an implicit availability set with five fault domains and five update domains.

      • Scale sets of more than 100 VMs span multiple placement groups. 

  • Horizontal scaling, also referred to as scale out and scale in, where the number of VMs is altered depending on the workload. In this case, there is a increase (scale out) or decrease (scale in) in the number of virtual machine instances.

  • Azure virtual machine scale sets let you create and manage a group of load balanced VMs.

    • The number of VM instances can automatically increase or decrease in response to demand or a defined schedule.

  • There is no cost for the scale set itself, you only pay for each VM instance that you create.

  • Virtual machine scale sets simplify designing for high availability by aligning fault domains and update domains.

    • You will only have to define fault domains count for the scale set. The number of fault domains available to the scale sets may vary by region.

  • With scale sets, all VM instances are created from the same base OS image and configuration

  • You can only deploy and manage a set of identical VMs.

  • Scale sets support the use of the Azure load balancer for basic layer-4 traffic distribution, and Azure Application Gateway for more advanced layer-7 traffic distribution and TLS termination.

  • Scale sets are used to run multiple instances of your application.

    • If one of these VM instances has a problem, customers continue to access your application through one of the other VM instances with minimal interruption.

  • Scale sets can automatically increase the number of VM instances as application demand increases, then reduce the number of VM instances as demand decreases.

  • Scale sets support up to 1,000 VM instances. If you create and upload your own custom VM images, the limit is 600 VM instances.

  • There is no additional cost to scale sets.

    • You only pay for the underlying compute resources such as the VM instances, load balancer, or Managed Disk storage.

    • The management and automation features, such as autoscale and redundancy, incur no additional charges over the use of VMs

  • You can assign an NSG to a VMSS by specifying the NSG as part of the NIC’s configuration in an ARM template. In this case, each NIC for VMs in the VMSS will have the NSG applied.

  • You can create a VMSS with 0, 1 or up 1000 VMs


Networking for Azure virtual machine scale sets


  • Networking for Azure virtual machine scale sets

  • In general, Azure scale set virtual machines do not require their own public IP addresses.

    • For most scenarios, it is more economical and secure to associate a public IP address to a load balancer or to an individual virtual machine (also known as a jumpbox), which then routes incoming connections to scale set virtual machines as needed (for example, through inbound NAT rules).


Autoscale Rule Evaluation


  • Understand Autoscale settings

  • The amount of time to wait after a scale operation before scaling again.

  • How does Autoscale evaluate multiple rules?

  • All thresholds are calculated at an instance level. For example, "scale out by one instance when average CPU > 80% when instance count is 2", means scale-out when the average CPU across all instances is greater than 80%.

  • If one or more scale-out rules are triggered, Autoscale calculates the new capacity determined by the scaleAction of each of those rules.

    • Then it scales out to the maximum of the computation for each scale-out rule (ie the highest computation is used).

  • Autoscale only takes a scale-in action if all of the scale-in rules are triggered.

    • Autoscale calculates the new capacity determined by the scaleAction of each of those rules.

    • Then it chooses the scale action that results in the maximum of those capacities to ensure service availability

  • Scaling-in won’t take effect during an evaluation cycle if applying the rule would cause an immediate scale out (avoids flapping)

  •  As an example, consider the following better rule combination.

    • Increase instances by 1 count when CPU% >= 80

    • Decrease instances by 1 count when CPU% <= 60

    In this case

    • Assume there are 2 instances to start with.

    • If the average CPU% across instances goes to 80, autoscale scales out adding a third instance.

    • Now assume that over time the CPU% falls to 60.

    • Autoscale's scale-in rule estimates the final state if it were to scale-in. For example, 60 x 3 (current instance count) = 180 / 2 (final number of instances when scaled down) = 90. So autoscale does not scale-in because it would have to scale-out again immediately. Instead, it skips scaling down.

  • The next time autoscale checks, the CPU continues to fall to 50. It estimates again - 50 x 3 instance = 150 / 2 instances = 75, which is below the scale-out threshold of 80, so it scales in successfully to 2 instances




VMSS on Dedicated Hosts


  • Deploy VMs and scale sets to dedicated hosts

  • how to create an Azure dedicated host to host your virtual machines (VMs) and scale set instances.

  • host group is a resource that represents a collection of dedicated hosts. You create a host group in a region and an availability zone, and add hosts to it.

  • When planning for high availability, there are additional options. You can use one or both of the following options with your dedicated hosts:

    • Span across multiple availability zones. In this case, you are required to have a host group in each of the zones you wish to use.

    • Span across multiple fault domains which are mapped to physical racks.

  • When you deploy a scale set, you specify the host group.

    • When using Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Dedicated Hosts, they must be linked to a Host Group. Thus if we have 3 Host Groups we also need 3 Scale Sets.

Using Azure CLI To Create A VM Scale Set


az vmss create --name app-scaleset --resource-group rg1lod16727460 --generate-ssh-keys --image app-server-image --instance-count 3--lb "myLB" SSH key files '/home/user1-16727460/.ssh/id_rsa' and '/home/user1-16727460/.ssh/' have been generated under ~/.ssh to allow SSH access to the VM. If using machines without permanent storage, back up your keys to a safe location. {\ Finished .. "vmss": { "doNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs": false, "overprovision": true, "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "singlePlacementGroup": true, "uniqueId": "efc14ecb-3b56-484b-b844-e7d48c3a68ba", "upgradePolicy": { "mode": "Manual", "rollingUpgradePolicy": { "maxBatchInstancePercent": 20, "maxUnhealthyInstancePercent": 20, "maxUnhealthyUpgradedInstancePercent": 20, "pauseTimeBetweenBatches": "PT0S" } }, "virtualMachineProfile": { "networkProfile": { "networkInterfaceConfigurations": [ { "name": "appsc31f5Nic", "properties": { "dnsSettings": { "dnsServers": [] }, "enableAcceleratedNetworking": false, "enableIPForwarding": false, "ipConfigurations": [ { "name": "appsc31f5IPConfig", "properties": { "loadBalancerBackendAddressPools": [ { "id": "/subscriptions/6474fbd5-eeef-432f-94ec-861410d81d1d/resourceGroups/rg1lod16727460/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/myLB/backendAddressPools/myLBBEPool", "resourceGroup": "rg1lod16727460" } ], "loadBalancerInboundNatPools": [ { "id": "/subscriptions/6474fbd5-eeef-432f-94ec-861410d81d1d/resourceGroups/rg1lod16727460/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/myLB/inboundNatPools/myLBNatPool", "resourceGroup": "rg1lod16727460" } ], "privateIPAddressVersion": "IPv4", "subnet": { "id": "/subscriptions/6474fbd5-eeef-432f-94ec-861410d81d1d/resourceGroups/rg1lod16727460/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/app-server-vnet/subnets/subnet", "resourceGroup": "rg1lod16727460" } } } ], "primary": true } } ] }, "osProfile": { "adminUsername": "user1-16727460", "allowExtensionOperations": true, "computerNamePrefix": "appsc31f5", "linuxConfiguration": { "disablePasswordAuthentication": true, "provisionVMAgent": true, "ssh": { "publicKeys": [ { "keyData": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC34WdO0RSfJXROzZS99qZhUwiY1MdoH7ic+pc9jS/uzjMEZd1nYOVxMfB75pJYEqaUc9Nq/AIWZgMmtRob8vZmUjo4ycZYPpR/zbG6823S4c5uK8+CvVTv3URHvwdUsnablS/ewtul04WtPnZUgMWOzPKutUdUeeaWBf4EXXJlviUiXBPW7NtTZK3RjfkhLOYwxV1bc0W8b9iMF7Oe2KVsJjrPsjZms9QitnVaPZz17M6M/wNZuHEw83CvTIEpajyF4Oru51MJu5AGG8+MNXpVy07livBfSrHlo6eXqB+xuVead2CWrgTNmDeP40XZhKpOiKlD4tSk9nZ8BSklAK6F", "path": "/home/user1-16727460/.ssh/authorized_keys" } ] } }, "requireGuestProvisionSignal": true, "secrets": [] }, "storageProfile": { "imageReference": { "id": "/subscriptions/6474fbd5-eeef-432f-94ec-861410d81d1d/resourceGroups/rg1lod16727460/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/app-server-image", "resourceGroup": "rg1lod16727460" }, "osDisk": { "caching": "ReadWrite", "createOption": "FromImage", "diskSizeGB": 30, "managedDisk": { "storageAccountType": "Premium_LRS" }, "osType": "Linux" } } } } }


Choosing the right number of fault domains for virtual machine scale set


  • Choosing the right number of fault domains for virtual machine scale set

  • Virtual machine scale sets are created with five fault domains by default in Azure regions with no zones.

  • For the regions that support zonal deployment of virtual machine scale sets and this option is selected, the default value of the fault domain count is 1 for each of the zones.

  • FD=1 in this case implies that the VM instances belonging to the scale set will be spread across many racks on a best effort basis.

  • You can set the parameter --platform-fault-domain-count to 1, 2, or 3 (default of 3 if not specified).