Roger Cruz

Welcome to my personal wiki.  Here you will find information I have found useful to document for myself and others. 

About Me

Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica


Terracotta army, China















A curious entrepreneur by nature, I love exploring and discovering new places and ideas.  Whether it is creating new software, starting my own company, exploring the underwater world or building my own home, I find tough challenges stimulating.

I have a passion for technology.  I find it fascinating that we can create so many cool gadgets in such a short time.  I started programming (and hacking) on a Commodore 64 when I was 14 yrs old.  I wanted to learn everything about computers and how they worked, so I went to Cornell University where I obtained an Electrical Engineering BS degree, concentrating on semiconductor design and computer engineering.  My second internship and first engineering job were with Digital Equipment Corporation where I was hired to work on the design of Alpha 21064 and 21164 CPUs, which later earned the title of the fastest CPU in the world.  Within DEC, I moved to a group that was working on the first Alpha-based PC where I learned about PC motherboard design and board/CPU bootstrapping.

While working on the Alpha PC, I had the chance to write drivers for the DEC 21140 Ethernet (aka Tulip) chip which led me down the path of a networking/telecommunications career, working at Xyplex/MRV and Ignitus/Lucent.  During these jobs, I worked mostly on embedded software running VxWorks (a real-time OS used on the Mars Rover) on very complex optical routing switches used in metropolitan areas.  I briefly dabbled on VoIP and video streaming before discovering the Xen hypervisor and other virtualization/cloud technologies where I've now been concentrating on for the last 15 years.

I'm also excited to lead teams and projects to successful goals.  With over 14 years as manager in 4 companies, I have developed products from conception to production, while creating and managing multi-international teams as large as 25 engineers.  I also created my own software company to allow native Windows applications to run on Android-based tablets at near native speeds through a patentable complex layer that allowed the architectural differences between an ARM and x86 CPU to be hidden from the applications.  








Social Networks


My Blogs and Conferences



After Hurricane Maria, executed an impossible feat by moving 30,000 lbs of donations from Boston to Puerto Rico.

Source Repos


My Wiki Spaces

I have created several wiki areas for particular topics of interest.  Some are private and some are public.  Once I feel the content is good enough to share with others, I will make them available.


  • Web And Cloud - Content related to web and cloud technologies.

  • DevOps - Tools and processes for improving software development.

  • Windows - Anything related to Microsoft Windows and programming.

  • Security - For topics relating to software and cybersecurity.

  • Management - People and project management.

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