Azure Networking




Load Balancing Differences


Distributing Network Traffic

This table compares the Azure Load Balancer, Application Gateway, Traffic Manager, and Front Door. These techonologies can be used in isolation or in combination.


Azure Load Balancer

Application Gateway

Traffic Manager

Azure Front Door


Transport Layer (level 4)

Transport Layer (level 7)

DNS Resolver

Layer 7 or HTTP/HTTPS


Any TCP or UDP Protocol

HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2, & WebSockets

DNS Resolution

Split TCP-based anycast protocol

Backends and Endpoints

Azure VMs, and Azure VM Scale Sets

Azure VMs, Azure VM Scale Sets, Azure App Services, IP Addresses, and Hostnames

Azure Cloud Services, Azure App Services, Azure App Service Slots, and Public IP Addresses

Internet-facing services hosted inside or outside of Azure

Network connectivity

External and Internal

External and Internal


External and Internal