Asynchronous Programming - Async And Await


My notes on C#'s asynchronous programming constructs




Tips and TidBits


  • Asynchronous operations begin the work and return a Task that represents the ongoing work.

  • You can only use await in an async method, and Main cannot be async.

  • A method which uses await must have the async attribute

public async Task MyAsyncMethod() { await SomeAsyncTask; MoreWorkToBeDone; }
  • Using the async attribute on a method does not make it run on a separate thread.

  • Once the method reaches the await, it examins if the task (eg SomeAsyncTask) has already completed.

    • If it has completed , then it continues to the next statement (MoreWorkToBeDone), just alike a synchronous statement.

    • If it hasn’t completed, then

      • It instructs the task (eg SomeAsyncTask) that it needs to execute the code that follows when it completes its own execution.

      • The method returns immediately (ie, it doesn’t execute MoreWorkToBeDone).

      • Later, when the task (eg SomeAsyncTask) completes, it can execute the rest of the async method.

    • Async methods can return: Task<T>, Task, or void.

      • In almost all cases, you want to return Task<T> or Task. Avoid returning void.

        • eg public async Task<List<string>> MyAsyncMethod returns a task that when completed will return a list of strings.