OID - Object Identifier


OIDs (Object Identifiers) provide a globally unique name to objects and they are named in a tree-like hierachy. For example, an SSL certificate field named “Subject Alternative Name” has an OID of when given in “dot notation” or {joint-iso-itu-t(2) ds(5) certificateExtension(29) subjectAltName(17)} in ASN.1 notation.


You can view registered OIDs here: http://www.oid-info.com/


C# Oid Class

Cryptographic object identifiers consist of a value/name pair. If one property in a pair is set to a known value, the other property is updated automatically to a corresponding value. For example, if the Value property is set to "", the FriendlyName property, which is localized, is set automatically to "Secure Email".

using System.Security.Cryptography; Oid subjectAlternativeNameOid= new Oid("");