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Notes on defining and using functions in Powershell, including how to pass arguments and return values.


Function Parameters

Parameter Block

This is how you define a parameter block that specifies how the arguments are to be treated.

Don't forget the open brace after the function name or you will spend a lot of time debugging strange problems

function Initialize

You can also do it this way but the above way is preferred because you can qualify the parameters

function Initialize($stringArg, $enabled) 


The Mandatory parameter attribute flag set to $true indicates that the caller to this function MUST specify this parameter.


To detect the caller provided a parameter or the function's default was used, try this:

if(-not($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EmailTo')) -and $EmailTo)
    # User relied on default value

Source: Mandatory and default parameters of a function

Parameter As An Option

What if you want to pass a parameter like a boolean option (-enabled), use this approach.

param (

if ($enabled) {
    Write-Host "is enabled."
else {
    Write-Host "is not enabled."

Returning Values

This is really important to remember.  In Powershell, any output generated by a function is returned to its caller!  See documentation: about_Return.  

In PowerShell, the results of each statement are returned as output, even without a statement that contains the Return keyword.

What this means is that calling function may some unexpected data if your function doesn't handle it well. To avoid this, I make sure all statements store their output in a variable or I pipe the statements to | Out-Null

If you need to return an array or any other collection, keep this in mind.

When you return a collection from your script block or function, PowerShell automatically unrolls the members and passes them one at a time through the pipeline.

This means you can't simply return an array variable like

return $a

You must specify it is an array (put a comma in front of the variable name)

return ,$a

Testing Command Success

If you want to test the success of a command use "$?"

    if (Test-Path $library) 
    	$added = Add-Type -Path $library
        if ($?)
            $libraryFound= $true

How To Invoke A Method From A C# Library

See How To: Invoke A Method From A C# Library