Azure AZ CLI


There are two versions of Azure CLIs: the older Azure PowerShell AzureRM shell and the newer Azure PowerShell Az 




Tips and Tidbits

  • You can install it locally on computers running the Linux, macOS, or Windows operating systems.

    • You can also use Azure CLI from a browser through Azure Cloud Shell.

  • Azure CLI can be used interactively or through scripts

  • how do you find the particular commands you need? One way is to use az find.

  • If you already know the name of the command you want, the --help argument for that command will get you more detailed information on the command

  • Az is the formal name for the Azure PowerShell module, which contains cmdlets to work with Azure features.

  • This module is an open-source component available on GitHub.


Installing Azure AZ CLI


  • Confirm it has been uninstalled

Get-InstalledModule -Name AzureRM -AllVersions Get-Module -Name AzureRM -ListAvailable
  • Install the Azure Az PowerShell modules. Accept the warning about untrusted repo.

Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
  • Confirm module is installed




Using A Specific Version

If you need to install a specific version


You can load a specific version of the Az module using the -RequiredVersion parameter:


To Azure


Check any default account settings


If incorrect, or if you have multiple subscriptions or tentants, you can specify them in the command line.


to your Azure account.


If you need to use Azure PowerShell CLI


If you need to use the deprecated CLI


To view info on signed in account.


Get Subscription ID



Generate a random number and append it to a string



In Bash


Create a template from all resources in a resource group


To export all resources in a resource group as it exists right now, use az group export and provide the resource group name.


You can save a template from a deployment in the deployment history. The template you get is exactly the one that was used for deployment.


List AD Tenants



List Operations Supported By An Azure Provider

For a list of operation supported by Azure Event Grid, run the following Azure CLI command:


Identify the Azure region hosting the target resource group


Run the following to identify the Azure region hosting the target resource group and its existing resources




Create A Resource Group Via Azure CLI


Source: Create virtual networks


Query / Filter Output

If you have several items in the group list, you can filter the return values by adding a --query option

The query is formatted using JMESPath, which is a standard query language for JSON requests. You can learn more about this powerful filter language at

List Resource Groups Starting With Name Pattern



From Bash, you can pipe the names and delete the resource groups


Prints just the name


Most Recent Query


Output the name of the most recently created container registry



Storage Accounts

Create A Storage Account


List Storage Account Contents




Register A Provider


List Status Of A Provider




Identify regions the current subscription can use.



Create + Publish an Azure Function App