Visual Studio


All you want to know about Visual Studio.




  • Control + Shift + ] to find matching brace

  • In VS type “ctor” and press TAB twice to automatically generate the constructor code for a class.

    • "propfull" will autogenerate the setter/getter code for a property.

  • To comment code out, highlight code, press Control-k, Control-c (there is also a button to do this)

  • You can start typing the name of an object and press TAB for VS to auto-complete it.

  • When implementing the methods/properties of an interface in a subclass, hover over the interface name and the VS lightbulb will show up.  Select "Implement Interface" and VS will autofill the code for those methods/properties

  • In VS's C# Interactive window, you can type "#r <class dll to load>" to load one of your classes' DLL.  You can then invoke your methods directly

  • Control-. will automatically add "using <namespace>" for a class that is missing its using line.

  • Use three slashes (///) on top of a method/class and VS will create XML comments for their APIs 


Use Spaces Instead Of Tabs

First configuration should be to turn off tabs:  Tools → Options → All Languages → Tabs

If the file already has tabs, select the text and perform: Edit  → Advanced → Untabify Selected Lines

© Roger Cruz - All rights reserved