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There are two versions of Azure CLIs: the older Azure PowerShell AzureRM shell and the newer Azure PowerShell Az 


Installing Azure AZ CLI

Official installation instrutions:

  • Confirm it has been uninstalled

Get-InstalledModule -Name AzureRM -AllVersions
Get-Module -Name AzureRM -ListAvailable
  • Install the Azure Az PowerShell modules. Accept the warning about untrusted repo.

Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
  • Confirm module is installed

Get-InstalledModule -Name Az -AllVersions

Using A Specific Version

If you need to install a specific version

# Install Az version 3.6.1
Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 3.6.1 -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser

You can load a specific version of the Az module using the -RequiredVersion parameter:

# Load Az version 3.6.1
Import-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 3.6.1

To Azure

Check any default account settings

az account show

PS C:\Users\Roger>   az account list -o table
Name                      CloudName    SubscriptionId                        State    IsDefault
------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------------  -------  -----------
Concierge Subscription    AzureCloud   660e4eb5-0b62-4a64-b29a-ec39271b86df  Enabled  False
Concierge Subscription    AzureCloud   4db700a1-ce71-4523-b484-93f5d1306b32  Enabled  False
Azure Pass - Sponsorship  AzureCloud   5b9ca790-db4a-4052-a139-7a03d8c47bbd  Enabled  True

If incorrect, or if you have multiple subscriptions or tentants, you can specify them in the command line.

 az account set --subscription "<subscription id>"

to your Azure account.

az login

If you need to use the deprecated CLI


To view info on signed in account.

roger_r_cruz@Azure:~$ az ad signed-in-user show
  "accountEnabled": true,
  "ageGroup": null,
  "assignedLicenses": [],
  "assignedPlans": [],
  "city": null,
  "companyName": null,
  "consentProvidedForMinor": null,
  "country": null,
  "createdDateTime": "2021-12-25T22:52:46Z",
  "creationType": "Invitation",
  "deletionTimestamp": null,
  "department": null,
  "dirSyncEnabled": null,
  "displayName": "roger_r_cruz",
  "employeeId": null,
  "facsimileTelephoneNumber": null,
  "givenName": null,
  "immutableId": null,
  "isCompromised": null,
  "jobTitle": null,
  "lastDirSyncTime": null,
  "legalAgeGroupClassification": null,
  "mail": "",
  "mailNickname": "",
  "mobile": null,
  "objectId": "d6f8b634-f3f5-4f98-abd1-0d224e20bc4e",
  "objectType": "User",
  "odata.metadata": "$metadata#directoryObjects/@Element",
  "odata.type": "Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User",
  "onPremisesDistinguishedName": null,
  "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
  "otherMails": [
  "passwordPolicies": null,
  "passwordProfile": null,
  "physicalDeliveryOfficeName": null,
  "postalCode": null,
  "preferredLanguage": null,
  "provisionedPlans": [],
  "provisioningErrors": [],
  "proxyAddresses": [
  "refreshTokensValidFromDateTime": "2021-12-25T22:52:46Z",
  "showInAddressList": false,
  "signInNames": [],
  "sipProxyAddress": null,
  "state": null,
  "streetAddress": null,
  "surname": null,
  "telephoneNumber": null,
  "thumbnailPhoto@odata.mediaEditLink": "directoryObjects/d6f8b634-f3f5-4f98-abd1-0d224e20bc4e/Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User/thumbnailPhoto",
  "usageLocation": null,
  "userIdentities": [],
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "userState": "Accepted",
  "userStateChangedOn": "2021-12-27T00:08:36Z",
  "userType": "Guest"

Get Subscription ID

subId=$(az account show --subscription "" | jq -r '.id')

Generate a random number and append it to a string

export STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME=storestorage$(openssl rand -hex 5)

In Bash


Create a template from all resources in a resource group

To export all resources in a resource group as it exists right now, use az group export and provide the resource group name.

az group export --name demoGroup

You can save a template from a deployment in the deployment history. The template you get is exactly the one that was used for deployment.

az deployment group export --resource-group demoGroup --name demoDeployment

List AD Tenants

az account tenant list

List Operations Supported By An Azure Provider

For a list of operation supported by Azure Event Grid, run the following Azure CLI command:

az provider operation show --namespace Microsoft.EventGrid

Identify the Azure region hosting the target resource group

Run the following to identify the Azure region hosting the target resource group and its existing resources

export LOCATION=$(az group list --query "[?name == '${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME_EXISTING}'].location" --output tsv)

# Get the resource group and location
export RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az group list --query "[0].name" -o tsv)
export LOCATION=$(az group show --name $RESOURCE_GROUP -o json| jq -r ".location")

Create A Resource Group Via Azure CLI

az group create --name "rcruz-resource-group" --location eastus

Source: Create virtual networks

List Resource Groups Starting With Name Pattern

az group list --query "[?starts_with(name,'az30305a-')]".name --output tsv

From Bash, you can pipe the names and delete the resource groups

az group list --query "[?starts_with(name,'az30305a-')]".name --output tsv | xargs -L1 bash -c 'az group delete --name $0 --no-wait --yes'

Prints just the name

az webapp list --resource-group ManagedPlatform --query "[?starts_with(name, 'imgapi')].{Name:name}" --output tsv

Most Recent Query

Output the name of the most recently created container registry

  az acr list --query "max_by([], &creationDate).name" --output tsv

Storage Accounts

Create A Storage Account

az storage account create --name <name> --resource-group <resource group name> --location eastus --kind StorageV2 --sku Standard_LRS --access-tier Cool

List Storage Account Contents

az storage blob list --account-name <your-unique-storage-account-name> --container-name files --query [].{Name:name} --output table


Register A Provider

az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.Insights'

List Status Of A Provider

az provider show -n Microsoft.Insights


Identify regions the current subscription can use.

az account list-locations --query "[].{name:name}" -o table

Create + Publish an Azure Function App

az functionapp create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --consumption-plan-location $LOCATION --name $PRODUCT_FUNCTION_NAME --storage-account $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --functions-version 2

zip -q -r $CURRENT_DIR/<function> ./*

az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $PRODUCT_FUNCTION_NAME --src <function>
  • No labels


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