Versions Compared


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  • Webhook Event delivery

  • Webhooks are one of the many ways to receive events from Azure Event Grid.

  • When a new event is ready, Event Grid service POSTs an HTTP request to the configured endpoint with the event in the request body.

  • Event Grid requires you to prove ownership of your Webhook endpoint before it starts delivering events to that endpoint.

  • Azure infrastructure automatically handles this validation for these services:

  • If you're using any other type of endpoint, such as an HTTP trigger based Azure function, your endpoint code needs to participate in a validation handshake with Event Grid.

  • Synchronous handshake: the data portion of this event includes a validationCode property.

    • Your application verifies that the validation request is for an expected event subscription, and returns the validation code in the response synchronously.

  • Asynchronous handshake: Event Grid supports a manual validation handshake.

    • Event Grid sends a validationUrl property in the data portion of the subscription validation event.

    • To complete the handshake, find that URL in the event data and do a GET request to it.

    • The provided URL is valid for 5 minutes. During that time, the provisioning state of the event subscription is AwaitingManualAction

Code Block
  "id": "135b3c37-5c5b-4019-8509-a3b9c5bbb129",
  "topic": "/subscriptions/dd4a7b94-2399-46fc-b2e9-a6ac4ad9fb56/resourceGroups/az204-evgrid-rg/providers/microsoft.eventgrid/topics/az204-egtopic-888382",
  "subject": "",
  "data": {
    "validationCode": "3747BBE8-BEA3-452F-AA7F-16BA33288B99",
    "validationUrl": ""
  "eventType": "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent",
  "eventTime": "2022-02-06T21:29:08.4932495Z",
  "metadataVersion": "1",
  "dataVersion": "2"

To prove endpoint ownership, echo back the validation code in the validationResponse property, as shown in the following example:

Code Block
  "validationResponse": "3747BBE8-BEA3-452F-AA7F-16BA33288B99"

  • you can manually validate the subscription by sending a GET request to the validation URL.

  • The event subscription stays in a pending state until validated.

  • The validation Url uses port 553. If your firewall rules block port 553 then rules may need to be updated for successful manual handshake.